
Nick Ridley has a passion for pets especially dogs, this coupled with the experience he gained whilst working as an Inspector for a well-respected animal welfare charity gives him an undeniable edge when photographing our "furry" companions.

He has been involved in photography for over 25 years and after winning a national pet photography competition he decided to research where and how people got professional photographic portraits taken of their " best friends "

Four years ago he set-up an event photography business, specialising in "Action and Portrait Animal Photography". It has now developed into one of the highest profile and well respected businesses of it's kind in the UK and on most weekends he can be found "practising what he preaches". In 2003 Nick left his job to pursue one of his many "dreams and schemes" and become a full-time professional photographer and author.

He will consider taking pictures of any kind of animal from a frog to a dog.......a hamster to a horse....but he will not take pictures that demean animals, that means no funny hats, sunglasses or dogs that have been dressed up in human clothes. He has very strict ethics and will always put the animal's welfare before a photograph.

Such a busy working life requires boundless energy and enthusiasm, and these Nick has in large measures, he has featured in numerous national TV programmes, made many appearances on local TV news programmes, and his articles and photographs have been published in various animal and photography magazines. He has written two books. The first "How To Photograph Pets" is now available world-wide. His second, not surprisingly called "How To Photograph Dogs" is due to be launched at Crufts 2004.

Nick lives in Buckinghamshire, England with his wife, two teenage daughters and of course "the dogs".